Embracing Incremental Triumphs: Walking 'By Little and Little' Towards God's Vision

Ex 23:30 By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit the land.

Has the Lord given you a vision greater and bigger than yourself?  Is not this His way of doing things?  To call us to a place higher than we are!  I dare say that if the task you are attempting to accomplish is easily manageable within your own means, then your task is not Heavenly inspired!  When God calls us into Canaan land, He is calling us into a place that is virtually unattainable without His aid!  Do not be surprised when God asks you to do something that is beyond you!  When He does the impossible in our lives, this is His way of guaranteeing that His name is high and lifted up!  How is God going to accomplish the impossible in our lives?  Our text sheds light on His methods when it says, “By little and little...”!  Friend, do not underestimate the “small” stuff going on in your journey with the Lord!  Each step in and of itself seems so small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but one day, if we continue to walk “by little and little” with the Lord, we’ll look back at the great distance we’ve journeyed, and then we’ll realize that God did the impossible in our lives!  It wasn’t a new-found zeal for prayer that Daniel obtained AFTER he was thrust into the lion’s den that saved him, but it was his day-by-day, consistent, “by little and little” prayer life he had BEFORE his lion’s den experience that shut the mouths of those hungry lions!  It wasn’t a fly-by-night, non-committed individual whom God used to turn the world upside down, but it was men like Paul, Peter, James and John, who were all committed, faithful, and consistent in their journey and devotion to their Savior, and who crossed over barriers of various sorts “by little and little” UNTIL the entire world was touched by the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  In like manner, we the people of God, with the help of the Lord, shall overcome any and every obstacle in our way, one day at a time, one step at a time, one mountain at a time, one valley at a time, “by little and little”, UNTIL God gives the increase!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill