Finding Unfading Light in Life's Darkest Seasons

Leviticus 24:1-2 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Command the children of Israel, that they bring unto thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamps to burn continually.

You’ve heard the expression, “Never a dull moment!” but what about this, “Never a DIM moment!” There are times in this Christian journey that we as the people of God get weary in the work. Do not be alarmed, for this is a necessary process to go through. Life is full of seasons, some good, and some to the contrary, but all to the glory of God! We cannot expect to reap a harvest without first shedding blood, sweat, and tears.

The agonies of labor are rewarded with the joys of harvest! The pains of travail are crowned with newness of life! The sorrows of yesteryear grow dim in light of the hope that is set before us! Great loss is often followed by great gain--just ask Job! Years of exile can be turned into years of honor-- just ask Moses! Years of rejection and imprisonment can be turned into years of great purpose, favor, and blessings--just ask Joseph!

The barren can give birth--just ask Sarah! The harlot can be forgiven--just ask Rahab! Your past can be put to rest-just ask the woman who met Jesus at the well! The sick can be healed--just ask the woman who reached out and touched the hem of His garment! The blind can see--just ask Bartimaeus! The dead can live again--just ask Lazarus!

The alcoholic can get delivered! The drug addict can be changed! The broken heart can be mended! The busted up family can be restored! The marriage can be salvaged! The church can be revived! America can be restored! Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning (Psalm 30:5)! Some of you are on the verge of your harvest! Your season is due! You’ve paid your dues in sorrow, pain, and heartache, but as the song writer once said, “Press on, it won’t be very long!”

Our text admonishes us to “cause the lamps to burn continually!” One day, may it be said of each of us that there was “Never a DIM moment!”

~ Pastor Gary Caudill