Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude: Learning from Israel's Complaints

Numbers 11:1 And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD...

Amazing, isn’t it? After all God has brought the children of Israel through, proving His ability to provide for, to protect, and to guide them, they still complained! God help us not to do the same today! In our home, we teach our five sons that there are three “big no-no’s”: 1) No lying, 2) no disobeying, and 3) no bad attitudes! God here is dealing with the attitude issue! Nobody likes a whiner or a complainer! As a matter of fact, they don’t even like themselves.

And when we as the children of God, having been washed in His blood, secured by His Spirit, and made accepted in the beloved, begin to complain, it brings Him much displeasure. The only reason people complain is because of a lack of contentment. Our Heavenly Father wants nothing more than for us to be content with Him! “But godliness with contentment is great gain.” 1 Tim 6:6.

Do you want “gain” in your walk with God? Do you want growth? Then live with an attitude of gratitude, thanking God for what He has given you, instead of constantly nagging Him for what He hasn’t! I find that when my children obey the rules at our home, and maintain a sweet attitude, they come a lot closer to getting what they want! The same is true of our Heavenly Father! “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Psa 37:4.

Friends, do not get an attitude with God. Believe Him! Trust Him! Thank Him! Love Him! Worship Him! Serve Him! Praise Him! If you do, then you’ll come to a place of contentment in Christ that will prevail over any bad attitudes that were intended to rob you of God’s best for your life!

Eph 5:20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

~ Pastor Gary Caudill