Heeding the Holy Spirit's Call to Move

Deut 1:6b Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount:

When the Lord says it’s time to go, it’s time to go! I’m afraid that many may be guilty of “overstaying their welcome” spiritually speaking. One of the biggest challenges of the Christian journey is the ability to pull up and move at a moment’s notice. As they say, we shouldn’t drive our tent stakes too deep, because you never know when God may move you to another locale to do His will!

The Bible uses wind to describe the working of the Spirit of God in our lives (see John 3:8). One who is Spirit-filled is one who is able to determine when the direction of the wind has changed! How can you tell when it’s time to move on? Just pay attention to the wind of the Holy Spirit! If you seek His voice, His winds of direction shall blow over your soul, leading you beside still waters!

When His wind is moving you, there is almost restlessness in your spirit that will not allow you to settle back down until at last He has moved you to your new place of service. No matter what you do, you cannot keep sailing in the same direction as before! In Acts 27:4, Paul said this, “And when we had launched from thence, we sailed under Cyprus, because the winds were contrary.” Although Paul set out thinking he knew where he might end up, God had a different destination in mind!

Many times we think that because our journey starts out in a particular direction, that we must continue in it. We must understand that “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” Pro 16:9. It may sometimes feel as if God is taking us around the world to get us to where He wants us, but rest assured His plans are perfect, and when He charts a course, each stopping place along the journey has its purpose!

Another aspect to consider is this; this walk with God is not a destination, but a journey! Even when Joshua and Caleb entered into the Promised Land, they didn’t just kick into retirement! Keep moving, child of God, keep moving!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill