Embrace the Power of Praise to Invite God's Presence

2 Chronicles 2:6
But who is able to build him a house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him? who am I then, that I should build him an house, save only to burn sacrifice before him?
You read it right! God is so big, that even the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him. That’s huge! Indeed, brick and mortar cannot contain Him, and yet Psalm 22:3 says of Him, “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” Wow! In other words, when we praise Him, room enough is made for Him to dwell. Has it ever occurred to you that praise is that big a deal? Praise then is bigger than the universe! Want to “scratch off” a place for the Lord to reside? Just go to praising Him!

In His presence, sinners are converted, mountains are leveled, giants are slain, the sick receive healing, and the dead are brought back to life! There is therefore power in praise. The devil knows that! That’s why he continually fights us with negative thoughts of doubt, worry, criticism, and confusion. As long as he can distract us from fulfilling our divine purpose of praising the Lord, then he has us in a stronghold. However, just let the redeemed of the Lord say so, and watch the devils tuck tail and run from God’s presence!

It takes courage, faith, and inner strength to praise the Lord, so if we’re lacking in any of these areas, we must seek the Lord’s intervention so that we might be able to give Him the praise that’s due His name! What we need to do is identify every enemy of praise in our lives, and then pull them down in the power of His might one at a time. Is it fear of criticism? Then face criticism head-on by praising the Lord anyway! Is it personal hypocrisy? Then repent and get it under the blood immediately, for you have no time to waste!

Is it dead religion mixed with traditions of men? Then junk your religion and go with Jesus! Whatever it is standing in our way, keeping us from praising the Lord, we can no longer afford to keep it around. We MUST praise the Lord, or we will die! If you do not believe me, then show me one vibrant, thriving New Testament church or even one on-fire Christian that does not praise the Lord. You will not find one! God’s breath of life follows praise, so if you want to keep from spiritual suffocation, then you had better get to praising Him every day for the rest of your life!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill