The Secret to Prosperity: Seeking the Lord with All Your Heart

2 Chronicles 26:5
And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper.

It is obvious in our text that there is a direct correlation between seeking the Lord and prospering at His hand! When God makes one prosper, He touches everything they touch. It will not be limited to just one area of your life, but it will include the whole spectrum…your travels, your career, your checking and savings accounts, your health, your family, your geographical location, your battles, everything (see Deut 28:1-8)! I am not saying that there will not be challenges during certain seasons of testing and trials that we must go through to make us stronger in our faith, but what I am saying is that when God prospers someone, He goes all the way with it! However, the most important thing to remember is that you get there by seeking the Lord. Many are only interested in God for His stuff, but God is looking for those who are interested in His heart!

Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” What things? All the things you need to survive and thrive for the welfare of your family and ministry! The question, though, is this; what are you looking for? Another car? More money? Another relationship? A different job? A healing? Not that our Lord is not concerned about any of the above, for He cares about every minute detail in our lives, and He even instructs us to pray and ask Him to provide our needs. However, let it be noted that what we should be seeking above all else is the Lord Himself, not just His stuff! It is a matter of priority in the heart. God knows when He is simply being used, and when He is being adored! Let each of us therefore endeavor to love first, and ask later!

One lesson we can surely learn from our text is that if we need things to pick up around the home front, around the work place, and around the church house, all we need is a good old-fashioned soul searching, and then begin seeking the Lord with all our hearts! When we do this, He delights in coming through for us and blessing us in our relationship with Him! The key to sustained prosperity is an intentionally continual searching of Him! As long as we seek the Lord, He will continue to make us prosper, just as He did for king Uzziah.

~ Pastor Gary Caudill