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Seek Him Who Turns Darkness Into Light

Amos 5:8a: "Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning..."

Is it any wonder that David wrote in Psalm 23:4, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Only the Lord can make such a claim as is found in our text! To turn the shadow of death into the morning is to manifest Himself in all of His splendor. Is that not what He did on resurrection morn?

What is near death in your life today? What has already died? Seek the Lord, who can turn your shadow of death into the morning as well! When it feels like all hope is gone, and when we feel as if we’re finished, He is just getting started! It is when we come to the end of ourselves that He begins a new work in us. Do not look at this death that is upon you as if it has taken God by surprise! Do not think that death’s grip can hold Him down. We serve a risen Savior! He’s in the world TODAY!

We need not look at our impossibilities at all once we look into His fiery eyes, but we should only see endless possibilities in the light of His glorious face. He pleads with His people to seek Him in our time of need. It is up to us to do that! If we could ever get past this taunting shadow of death, we could learn what it is to walk in resurrection power. When we get tired of bearing the burden of walking with our back to the Son, causing us to constantly face our shadows, that’s when we’ll be ready to turn our eyes upon Jesus! Then and only then will we put our shadows behind us once and for all!

Keep walking into the Son, and you’ll never see those shadows again! Perhaps that is why we are warned in several passages of scripture never to look back. We are to fix our eyes upon Christ and learn that He is all-sufficient. The Lord IS my shepherd, I shall NOT want! He who made the seven stars, and Orion, shall He not dissolve your doubts in the splendor of His bright countenance? Whatever you are facing today cannot face Him without dissipating! Seek His face!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill
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