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Woe to the Comfortable in Zion

Amos 6:1a: "Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria..."

I do not think that there is a single statement found in the Old Testament which better illustrates the slumbering state of today’s church than what is found here! Woe to them that are at ease in Zion! Can I bring it to where we live? Woe to them who are comfortable with church as usual! Woe to them who are satisfied with status quo! Woe to them who would never step outside of their comfort zone for the cause of Christ! Woe to them who prefer self-improvement seminars over convicting, challenging, confrontational preaching! Woe to them who’d rather have it their way than God’s way! Woe to them who despise anyone who would rock their religious boat! Woe to them who are more concerned with being politically correct and non-offensive than they are declaring the truth of God’s Word! Need I say more?

To be at ease in Zion is to be at rest, as if to be in an undisturbed state. Sadly, in an age where we should be more disturbed about the spiritual crisis our country faces than ever before, we are instead living as if everything is hunky-dory, a-ok! I’m sure that I do not speak for every church when I say this, for there are some that are still ablaze for Christ, no doubt! However, there seems to be many more churches that are spiritually dead or asleep, than that are vibrantly growing and thriving! What happened to our churches? May I suggest that a huge part of the problem is that we trust too much in our “mountain of Samaria”! That is, we trust too much in our religious man-made systems than we do the power of God!

Until we get to the point to where we’re willing to trade in our broken down man-made religious systems for a touch from the Master, then I’m afraid that we shall remain in a state of ease until we are suddenly awakened by the enemy’s swift attack! Somebody needs to get so hungry for God that it matters not if they breathe their next breath, so long as the power of Christ rests upon them! Will you be that somebody?

~ Pastor Gary Caudill
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