It is in the Dry Seasons of Our Lives

Hosea 13:5: "I did know thee in the wilderness, in the land of great drought."

It is in the dry seasons of our lives, not just that we get to know the Lord, but more importantly that He gets to know us. It is right to say that when we’re in a trial, that it’s all about the Lord, and what kind of glory He can get out of the situation. However, it is better to say that from His perspective, it is all about us! Let me explain; it is when it seems as if the Lord is distant from our situation that He is doing the most effective work on our hearts, for it is times like these when our faith is tried and tested, and like Job, in the end, we come forth as gold.

When we thought He had forgotten about us, His thoughts toward us were abundant and perfect. When it looked like He was looking the other way, He was actually more involved in the details of our lives than what we were able to see during the confusion of the storm. When we thought He had better things to do than tend to us, all the while the entire situation was brought about only for our benefit. In fact, if it would not have benefited us in the end to our progress and His praise, He would not have selected this path for us to travel. Never think even once that He has lost control, for He has purposed in this situation to bring you out!

Yes, He wants to bring you out of your dry wilderness experience, but when He does, He wants you never to forget that it was HIM that did it, and that you can trust Him, no matter what comes your way! The psalmist wrote in Ps 119:67, “Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word.” You see, our storms build in us qualities which will enable us to endure hardship as good soldiers of Jesus Christ; qualities such as humility, character, faith, and adoration for the One whom we grew to know during the darkest days of our lives! Ps 119:71 goes on to say, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.”

Child of God, whatever you’re going through today will be well worth it tomorrow, when at last you look back and God shows you the gold!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill