The Struggle of Sustained Faith: Lessons from Hezekiah

Is. 38:14b
…mine eyes fail with looking upward…

“Mine eyes fail with looking upward…” What do you do when the thing you’re supposed to be doing is also the very thing that causes you the most trouble? King Hezekiah was doing the right thing by looking up. Even our Lord instructs us in Luke 21:28 to look up! To look up is to expect something significant to happen by the hand of God; it is to live so as to materialize that which shall be into that which is through the venue of faith. To look up is to have a vision and a purpose; to find your destiny and pursue your God-inspired dreams! Yet, it is the looking upward that has the potential to cause the eyes to fail.

It is so easy for us to become weary in the wait. If we’re not careful, we too shall say “mine eyes fail with looking upward”. There is a reason Gal. 6:9 is in the Bible, which says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” You see, God knows the propensity we have of becoming exasperated as we pursue that which Hell harasses and which Heaven heralds! It is the calling itself, noble as it may be, which brings about such struggle as we push through the very gates of Hell to become that which God has called us to be!

God knew it would be a fight, and He also knew that we would be tempted to give up just before our deliverance, so He reminds us through King Hezekiah that if we avail ourselves in faith and prayer, we too shall gain advantage over the death sentence! God not only added 15 years onto his life, but as a sign he turned back the sun dial 10 degrees. You may feel you’re out of time, but God can turn back your clock to make up for lost time and secure your future so as to help you seize your moment!

You might be ready to just lie down and die, but God is not through with you yet! In due season you shall reap, if you faint not! Child of God, your season is coming! Only, do not allow your obstacles to outlast your vision; make sure that your vision outlasts your obstacles! If you can see through it, then God will see you through!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill