The Battle of Words: Choosing God's Voice Over the Enemy's

2 Kings 19:6b
…Thus saith the LORD, Be not afraid of the words which thou hast heard….

Any time you receive a word from the Lord, the enemy will always counteract that word with his own. Marvel not that, after having received encouragement from the Word of God pertaining to your situation, the devil begins to try to rob you of that seed of faith which was planted! This fight of faith we are in is nothing but a battle of words, if you really think about it! We are always affecting and being affected both by that which we say, and that which we choose to hear. Many voices seek to clutter our thoughts in such a fashion that we are not able to hear the voice of God amidst all the opposing words of doubt and fear in our lives. At times, the threats of the enemy can be very surreal to us. However, the question is, what voice will you respond to? The voice of God’s Word, or the voice of the enemy? We have this battle of words exemplified for us in the wilderness, when our Lord Jesus responded to Satan’s temptations only with what had already been written in the Word of God! You see, the word that wins is the word that is truth! Any time the enemy speaks, he speaks only lies and deceit, because he doesn’t have one leg to stand on. However, when God speaks, He speaks only truth, for He cannot lie! So the true test of words is the strength of its foundation. Once the lies of the enemy are held up to the truth of God’s Word, there is no comparison, nor is there any competition! That’s why it is important that you fight fire with fire! When the enemy comes in like a flood with words of doubt, fear, and confusion into your life, you simply combat him with what the Lord has already spoken! When you do this, you decree that which is based upon a solid foundation, thus cancelling out what the enemy has threatened! Friend, you can take God’s Word over the devil’s word ANY day! Do not try to reason with the enemy concerning God’s promises! Simply identify who it is the enemy is speaking through, tune them out, and give them no power!