Seek a Shepherd: Choosing a Pastor Who Feeds with Knowledge

Jeremiah 3:15
And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

It is wonderful to know that our Lord does not leave us without a man of God who will bear His heart and feed His people! I do understand that in today’s world, it may not be as easy to find a pastor that matches this description; however, God does not leave his children without a shepherd to lead them! If you are in a place where you need a pastor, a man after God’s own heart, then I encourage you to seek, ask, and knock until the Lord leads you to the right place! Do not settle for that which you know is neither Christ-honoring nor anointed.

Too many Christians allow themselves to settle for less than God’s will for their lives, even when it comes to their place of worship. It is imperative that we make sure that we are in a place where Christ is lifted up, and where the pastor feeds us with knowledge and understanding. Do not make your decision based solely upon convenience, personal preference, traditions, fear of rejection, or manipulation. You want to be sure that you are under the care of the pastor which God has given you, and no one else! What we must understand is that if God approves of him, then so should we!

So, some good questions you should ask yourself when deciding where to worship are: 1) Is the pastor a man after God’s own heart? 2) Does the pastor feed the flock with knowledge and understanding? 3) Does the pastor have the anointing of God on his preaching? If the answer to any of these three questions is “no”, then keep looking until God leads you to the right place! You may find a place where they have a program for everything from youth to retiree; you may find a place where they sing the kind of music that suits your personal preference; you may find a place where you get a warm and fuzzy feeling every time you attend; but the most important thing about a place of worship is whether or not you get good anointed preaching by the man of God from the Word of God! I can do without everything else at a church, but I MUST have the Word!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill