National Reflection: Accountability in Faith and Actions

Jeremiah 18:18
Then said they, Come and let us devise devices against Jeremiah; for the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, and let us smite him with the tongue, and let us not give heed to any of his words.

I wish today to point out that which I feel has played the biggest role in the demoralization of America, and which, as a result, is swiftly bringing upon our nation the judgment of God. First of all, we must realize that a nation will be judged primarily for the following five things: 1) What we do with Jesus who is called the Christ, 2) how we treat His messenger, 3) how we treat the fatherless and widow, 4) how we treat the innocent and defenseless, and 5) how we treat the poor. Needless to say, the first two determine the outcome of the last three mentioned. 1 Peter 4:17 says, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” The truth is, we cannot bypass the cross and get by with it!

However, I’m afraid that our culture has become infiltrated with Jesus haters who intentionally and deliberately scoff and mock the house of God and the man of God on a consistent basis. The worst thing about it is that our nation will not be judged for the way the wicked have rejected the truth; our nation will be judged for how the people of God have rejected the truth! We should expect opposition amongst those who are not professed believers, but to receive rejection within our own ranks is something that should never happen, though it does on a daily and a weekly basis. Many are the religious which have in essence spoken these words concerning the man of God in their hearts, “Come, and let us smite him with the tongue, and let us not give heed to any of his words.” Many have turned away from the truth, and have turned unto fables! Many would rather hear a pleasant lie than a penetrating truth. Many a preacher of the gospel has been crucified upon the altar of the wicked tongue of their very own congregations. Many have decided that they will not hear the truth. When this happens, we bring a curse upon ourselves and our nation. “God, grant us space to repent for the way we have abused, misused, and falsely accused your preachers, and give us wisdom to take heed to the truth, lest we perish in our own demise!”

~ Pastor Gary Caudill