The Road to Refreshing: Repentance and Revival

Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

Are you ready to be refreshed? The Lord is speaking to His people here in our text of a day when times of refreshing shall come from His presence. Oh, to see the day of revival that the church is desperately needing in our day. Not just another consecutive series of meetings, but a holy visitation! We need revival! And, the good news is, we are promised in the Word that in the last days the Lord shall pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. There is coming a great revival before the return of Christ to catch His bride away. However, we are given specific instructions; repent ye therefore, and be converted! Why? That your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. In other words, ready or not, He is coming to bring times of refreshing, so it is up to us to be ready with repented hearts to be able to receive revival when it comes. It is possible for Jesus to visit a town, a church, a community, or a country, and many never even notice the significance of the times.

Friend, do not let Jesus pass you by! It may very well be that a time of refreshing is already lined up to show up within the parameters of your own personal world, but you had better be repenting now, confessing now, and forsaking now, so that the full impact of the Lord’s holy visitation can be realized! It would be a crying shame for us to be visited by God, and yet be so hindered by an unrepented heart that the Holy Spirit would not always strive with us. Oh that men would rid themselves of any pride that might cause them to become stubborn in the Lord’s convicting presence. We must at once repent of our sins, and be ready at all times for that day when He might pass by in an unusual way. Many pray for revival, but do very little to prepare for it. Many will readily admit that revival is desperately needed, but will do very little in terms of paying the price that it takes to experience such a move of God. I’ve got a question for you, dear reader; are you ready for a move of God in your life? If you had agreed to let Jesus come by your house at a certain appointed time, would you not have been better prepared than you are right now? Let’s hit our knees!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill