From Death to Life: The Power of Resurrection in Our Circumstances

1 Corinthians 15:42-43
So also is the resurrection of the dead…it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:

There is nothing dead that God, at His Word, can’t raise from its deadness! Today, I wish to speak to those that are experiencing or have experienced a death of some sort in your life. I wish not to focus so much on the literal death of a loved one (although in the resurrection at the last day there is hope even of them who have put their faith in Christ!), but perhaps the death of a dream, a desire, an aspiration, or a vision of some sort. That thing that you had so longed for, which has not gotten better or made progress, but that has rather gotten worse, even to the point of hopelessness. Maybe there is something that you have been reaching for all your life, but that seems to drift further and further away from your grasp. I’m not even referring to selfish ambitions and sinful appetites, because for many of you, that which you long for would yield only good and health to its environment and those impacted by its success. Why is it that sometimes the most difficult accomplishments in life are those which would also be the most beneficial? Have you ever wondered why you have to fight so hard to do right?

There are seasons where you feel like that when you take one step forward, you get knocked two steps back from your goal. Well, God has given me a word just for you; that which has been sown in weakness, shall be raised in power! God intentionally waits until the former is dead so that the latter can be raised in His power. God will not call that which is alive to come forth from the grave; only that which is dead. It is only when the natural is completely lifeless that the supernatural can come to life.

Some reading this have been living in the tomb of your circumstance so long that not only is the thing dead which you had hoped for, but the stench of death has filled the air. At first, it was just the idea that died, but now death is creeping into your spirit, and now your whole life is becoming saturated in the odor of death. Jesus speaks to your spirit today, “Come forth!” You’ve been in the tomb long enough! What you thought was the end is only the beginning of new and great things in your life. Wipe the tears from your eyes, be loosed from your grave clothes, let them go, and look to Jesus, who is the author and the finisher of your faith!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill