Reserved by God: Prepared for Purpose

Romans 11:4
But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.

I wish to focus on these five words spoken by God to the prophet Elijah, “I have reserved to myself…” Amazing, isn’t it? Just look at the magnitude of this truth; God has people on reserve who are wholly dedicated to Him! This was true in Elijah’s day, it was true in Paul’s day, and it is true today. Isn’t it nice to know that even when you feel all alone in the service of the Lord, that you are not really alone? This word “reserved” tells me that God is in control; not you and me! If it were up to us, we would have a lot to worry about, but thankfully it is not up to us.

God has a network of believers across the globe, many who do not even know that the others exist, but at divine moments God will interconnect them to fulfill His purpose in the earth! The word “reserved” not only tells of God’s control, but it also tells of His intentions. You do not place anything on reserve without first having some future use in mind for the thing you reserved. That’s why God has reserved you for Himself; He has every intention of raising you up in the right place at the right time to do His will!

Some of you are upset that you have been sitting on a shelf, when you should be shouting that you were on a shelf at all! The fact that you are even on the shelf indicates that there is a purpose God has in mind for you being there! Instead of pouting over inactivity, just get yourself prepared for the movement of a lifetime, because God is getting ready to use you in a mighty way if you will continue to yield your will to His! He has reserved you, and he has reserved everyone else connected to your destiny.

Therefore, when He gets ready to move you into your destiny, He will also move everyone else into place, so that in the end men might all magnify the name of the Lord in the earth for the great things which HE hath done! I once heard it said that the secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his time when it comes. When your time comes, will you still be on reserve, ready to move when God says move? Or will you be caught complaining that you didn’t get the position when someone else did? May God help us all to get ready for an outpouring of His Spirit!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill