Discover the Strength in Song: Jesus' Hymn Before the Storm

Matt.26:30  And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.

Now there’s an image most of us probably don’t think a whole lot about.  Get this; Jesus is fixing to go into his greatest hour of agonizing prayer, where he will sweat as it were great drops of blood.  He has already warned the disciples that he will soon be betrayed by Judas, and that all of them will be offended because of him the same night.  He knows his hour has come.  And what do does he do?  He sings a hymn with his disciples before going into his hour of betrayal.  Wow!  Just think of the fortitude, the resilience, the calmness of heart and spirit, and the resolve with which our Lord led them into the valley of the shadow of death.  Most of us probably would have been too upset to be singing a song, but Jesus our Lord leads the way with a song of praise!  After all, that is what a hymn is.  Now, I just can’t help but wonder what they were singing!  We might readily imagine it to be something like “Victory in Jesus”, “At Calvary”, or “There’s Room at the Cross for You!”, but it was more likely one of the Psalms, or a song inspired by the Psalms.  The specific song and its rhythm and style of music is not as important as is the fact that they were singing in such a dark hour of history.  Jesus is fixing to win the greatest spiritual battle that ever has been or ever will be waged for the souls of men while on the cross of Calvary, and his actions give us insight on what it looks like to go into a battle with assurance of certain victory.  How does he do that?  He sings praises going into the storm!  After carefully thinking upon this great truth, I believe we have for years mistakenly and carelessly overlooked its significance.  The truth is, God likes to hear us sing praises to His name, and when the praises of God go up, His glory comes down to strengthen us in our battles.  If this was a battle strategy for Christ and His disciples, would it not be wise for us to do the same?  Here is my challenge for you today; the next time you are facing a difficult time (and every time from here on out for that matter), deliberately sing praises to The Lord going into the storm.  Amazing things will happen!  God will come to your aid, and certain victory will ensue.  Never underestimate the power of praise, because praise will work when nothing else will!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill