Experiencing the Overflow of Divine Favor: Inspired by Solomon's Wisdom

1 Kings 10:5b
…there was no more spirit in her.

The Queen of Sheba was so awe-inspired by all that she had both seen and heard of Solomon’s wisdom and works, that she had “no more spirit in her”. The Hebrew word here for spirit is breath. I suppose another way to put it is, it all just took her breath away! You might also say that she was left speechless! Regardless of how you may say it, I think you get the point. What God had blessed Solomon with was absolutely breath-taking.

By the descriptions of these few chapters in 1 Kings we learn that King Solomon was wealthy beyond measure. And to think that these blessings came, in part because of his father, David, and in part because of his request to The Lord for wisdom, when he could have asked for anything he wanted. I believe that God wanted to simply show us just how much goodness He is able and willing to pour on us when we set our hearts on him. He also wants us to see how much our children will reap from the harvest that we plow, plant, and water.

I’m certainly not telling you that “God will make you a rich billionaire beyond compare!” I’m also not going to tell you that He won’t. What I will say, is that God blesses those who honor Him and seek His Kingdom agenda FIRST. This “blessing” from The Lord will vary from Kingdom son to Kingdom son, but the point is, you’ll have what you need when you need it while serving THE KING!

Many will look at what all King Solomon had, and they will look at what the Queen of Sheba said about the half having not been told, and they will liken it unto Heaven. And though that might be an appropriate application, or at least a parallel (though weak in comparison to Heaven) in terms of splendor, I believe that it is more of a type of the favor of God that is available to all who become people after His very own heart.

Solomon was a King, so he needed power, a throne, wealth, etc. with which to run the Kingdom. You might not be an earthly king needing that kind of wealth or influence, but you will need your own resources to strengthen your impact in your own realm of influence, wherever that may be. Having said that, why wouldn’t you ask for the favor of Solomon upon your life and ministry as you seek God’s righteousness and His Kingdom FIRST in your life? I’m not telling you to ask for HIS wealth or HIS wisdom…I’m telling you to pray for the proportionate equivalent to match YOUR specific needs as you serve Christ with all of your heart. God never rebukes (but rather instructs) His children for coming to him for either wisdom or provisions. You have not because you ask not, so ASK AWAY!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill