Encouraging the Encouragers: Your Role in Supporting Ministry

2 Chronicles 31:4
Moreover he commanded the people that dwelt in Jerusalem to give the portion of the priests and the Levites, that they might be encouraged in the law of the LORD.

If you will remember, the priests and the Levites had no portion of inheritance among the children of Israel. Therefore, it was God’s command that through the tithes and offerings of the people, they would be supported to do the work of The Lord. In this sense, The Lord was their portion (Deut. 10:9)! Now imagine that YOU were a priest or a Levite, totally dependent upon the faithful giving of others’ tithes and offerings in order for you to be sustained and successful in your ministry and calling. Then imagine that you lived in this time that we read of, where the work of God had been forsaken, and the people were not giving! It goes without saying that you might be a little discouraged, if not completely out of ministry altogether, due to lack of support, right?

Now, just as this was actually the case in our text, so is the case among many churches today. There is no such thing as a properly functioning pastor, without a properly functioning congregation. But in too many places, Christians often disconnect themselves from any responsibility of doing their part in seeing that the work of God and the man of God is able to function to full capacity with the proper support. A common attitude seems to be, “Well, if he’s God’s man, then God will take care of him!” And though that concept may be true, the attitude that goes with it could not be further from the heart of God! For you see, God DESIGNED His man and His congregation to work TOGETHER, meaning that they NEED each other.

Even the great apostle we know as Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament, in his own defense, asked, “If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?” My point is this; do not make the mistake of simply expecting your pastor to stay encouraged, without being proactive in encouraging him through your faithfulness, tithes, and offerings. Read our selected verse again, in this light. Understand that you may indeed get out of your church and pastor only what you are willing to give. Unfortunately, for some, that would yield only a return of discouragement. When was the last time you encouraged your pastor? Do it today!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill