The Uncomplicated Truth of Salvation

Acts 15:10-11
Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

Here, we are reminded once again that salvation is by grace through faith alone. There is absolutely nothing we can contribute in order to earn redemption. It is all unmerited favor. However, there would be some who would pervert the Gospel by adding works, laws, and requirements that the Scriptures simply do not teach nor support.

In today’s text, there were some who were teaching new Christians that they must not only trust Christ as their savior, but that they also should be circumcised and keep the law of Moses in order to obtain salvation. This simply was not true, as Peter clearly taught, and it is still not true today.

It is sad that there are yet still so many people today trying to get saved some other way besides a simple child-like faith in Jesus Christ. Some of the common lies you might hear taught today are that you need to be water baptized to be saved, or that you need to become a member of a certain denomination to be saved, or that you must speak in tongues to be saved, or that your good must simply outweigh your bad in order to be saved, or that you must attend church faithfully in order to be saved, or listen to a certain kind of music, or say a certain kind of prayer, or feel a certain kind of way, or any number of things.

The simple truth is, none of this is true. Salvation really is a work of God which is brought about by grace through faith, plus NOTHING and minus NOTHING. You can be saved and never join a church (although church is essential for your spiritual growth after salvation). You can be saved and never be water baptized (look at the thief on the cross). You can be saved and never speak in tongues. You can be saved and never affiliate with a denomination.

I hope you’re getting the idea. Salvation REALLY IS by grace through faith ALONE! Never let anyone tell you that you must do this or do that or even quit sinning before God will save you. Here’s the truth; you CAN’T quit sinning until you already ARE saved. But here’s what you CAN do. Turn your heart and mind from your sin to Christ, place your faith in Him alone, and receive forgiveness for sins. THAT will work!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill