Rekindle Your Joy: A Journey Out of Spiritual Captivity

Psalm 14:7  Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! When the LORD bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.

Hear the Psalmist yearning for the salvation of God’s people from those who held them in captivity! Why? Because he knows that once The Lord delivers them out of captivity, the gladness and rejoicing of the people will return unto them! He no doubt remembers a time when Israel was rejoicing with gladness.

What about you? Was there ever a time (assuming you have trusted The Lord as your Savior) that you rejoiced in The Lord, only to look back now with a yearning to experience such a season of gladness again? If so, then perhaps you, too, are needing deliverance from some form of captivity in which you find yourself imprisoned today. Perhaps it is the prison of doubt, fear, or willful sin. Perhaps it is the prison of bitterness, unforgiveness, hatred, or revenge. Perhaps it is simply the prison of knowing you are not where you either need to be or once was with The Lord.

Regardless, know this; the place where you lost your joy is the place where you can pick it back up! Oh, I know that some things are humanly impossible to reverse the effects of once you have made the wrong choice; however, regardless of the bad choices you have made, you can repent in your heart before The Lord and start afresh and anew, seeking HIS power to enable you to never make those same joy-robbing mistakes again.

Today, I believe that more now than ever, God’s people suffer from the lack of gladness, joy, and rejoicing in the camp, because of the captivity they find themselves in. But, if we are to be jubilant, victorious, and effective in serving God, we MUST get our joy back! My friends, serving God ought not to be a drudge or a duty, but a delight! As my pastor used to say so often, we can be both happy and holy all at the same time! It is simply up to us to figure out what joy robbers exist in our lives so that we can resolve to rid ourselves of them immediately!

If there is unconfessed and unrepented sin, get it under the blood, receive your forgiveness, then walk in the joy of salvation that God will restore unto you in that moment. Refuse to ever allow yourself, satan, or society rob you of your gladness or joy ever again! Get free today & stay free.

~ Pastor Gary Caudill