The Power of "Forever Faith" and "Perpetual Praise"

Psalm 71:14
But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.

David’s warfare mode was a “Forever Faith” and a “Perpetual Praise”! In spite of the fact that he was getting older and feeling more vulnerable to the elements of war, he chose to never let his hope or his praise die.

David was trained that these were his true weapons and his true strength. If you read verses 13-18, you will see more of this context, and you will see where he said in verse 16, “I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD…” In fact, David had most always gone in the strength of his God, even when he was young; and yet, when old age started talking to him, he had to remind himself of that very truth.

Oh, what a wonder it is to know that according to 2 Corinthians 4:16, though this outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed (to be changed into a new kind of life, given new strength and vigor) day by day. May this serve as a reminder to all of us that our true strength is not in our flesh, but in our spirit. When we realize this, we can then focus most of our energy on feeding our inner man, who can serve the strength we need to overcome any obstacle or enemy standing in our way.

I would like to encourage each of you to not allow the ever-changing and ever-eroding external conditions around you to cause you to lose faith or stop praising God for His greatness and His goodness. You can be more feeble than you’ve ever been in your life externally, circumstantially, and physically, but if you go into “Forever Faith” and “Perpetual Praise” mode, you will never be disappointed with the results of God’s response in coming to your aid.

That’s why we must learn that spiritual warfare can only be fought and won in the spiritual realm. Remember that our weapons are not carnal (fleshly, physical, tangible, weak), but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds! So, in short, you can believe and praise your way through any season in life that creates chaos and destruction around you!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill