Weaned for a New Day!

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Psalm 131:2-3 Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.  Let Israel hope in the LORD from henceforth and for ever.

I remember very vividly the night my second-born son was weaned from his mother.  The reason I remember it so was because I aided Mom in the process.  Here’s what happened.  When it was time for bed, instead of laying him next to his mother for immediate access to his demands for nursing throughout the night as he felt the need, I laid him next to myself, where I was between him and his mother.

At first, it was a real struggle for him.  He thought he was cut off from what he needed.  What he didn’t understand, at first, was that we were not cutting him off from what he needed, nor what his body demanded, but we were training him in a new way of provisions.  It was time for him to learn to trust the watch care of his parents to know and understand when he needed food and drink, and that, though different than he may have preferred, food and drink would come!

At last, he finally gave up the fight and went fast asleep, snuggled up to his father who loved him more than life itself, and with all the power within him would never let him perish with hunger.

Sound familiar?  Many times, when our Heavenly Father decides it’s time to train us in a new way of receiving from Him, weans us off our habits of thinking we need, and thus demand, immediate gratification the way we think we need it, while we are temporarily upset or hungry.

Instead, He lovingly disrupts our patterns, wrestles with us in our night season of hunger for what He is weaning us from, and when we quit fighting, we settle into His loving arms for a night’s rest followed by a new day and a new way of relationship and provision we’ve never known before!  It is in this context that we must learn to trust the Father’s heart, and know that His ways, timing, and provisions are best!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill